About Silence - author's exhibition by Pavlína Čambalová


Malá výstavní síň / Small Exhibition Hall - nám. Dr. E. Beneše 2/10 Map




Pavlína Čambalová studied the grinding and engraving of precious stones at the Jewellery School in Turnov and glass engraving at the Higher Vocational School in Nový Bor under the leadership of Jiří Tesař. She was grinding glass for eight years in Vienna, studied and worked abroad, and then returned to the Czech Republic and opened her studio in Železný Brod. In her studio, she produces engraved glass and moldavite glyptics, she teaches engraving and organizes workshops. However, we will not find there all year round. She regularly teaches, creates and exhibits her engraved glass pieces all over the world – regularly in the USA and Germany, but also Japan, China, Estonia, Scotland etc.

Opening of the exhibition: 2nd August 2024 from 5pm

The exhibition will run from 3 August - 1 September 2024