16:30h Unreal


Zauhlovačka - AvantgArt, z. s. Map




With this installation, Ondřej Kábele wanted to draw the viewer into his perspective of perceiving the world while listening to electronic music, where he observes and explores everything around him in greater depth. He created a soundtrack for the installation on a modular synthesizer, which also became the inspiration for the morphing of the whole object. Blocks of glass serve as a gateway to observe the ever-changing space defined by the structure from the 3D print. Neon passes through each block as a source of energy that reveals a reflection of another space, as Ondrej's music reveals another reality

Ondřej Kábele is a student of the Technical University of Liberec in the glass and jewellery studio. He took part in a study stay at the TIGA glass school in Japan from where he brought back a work that won first place in the Stanislav Libensky Prize. This success secured his participation in the Pilchuck Summer Glass School in Seattle, USA.

He finds inspiration for his works mainly in working with material, when he tries to push its limits. He likes to combine glass with new media to achieve new contexts and expressions.