10h-14h Meet & Greet - Keep on Dreaming!


The historic building that housed the Post Office Café was built in 1893 as a complex of three houses. In the corner house, Mr. Cloin built a new café in the neo-Rococo style. Today the premises belong to the Police and no longer serve as a café. Occasionally, talks, exhibitions or other social events are held here. Map




Guided tours of the "Keep on Dreaming! " exhibition will take place on Tuesday, August 27 from 10am to 2pm. You will be guided by the artist Hans van Bentem himself and fashion designer Rachido Assoui.

This year, for the first time, we invited Dutch artists to participate. Hans van Bentem creates interesting projects and has already collaborated with Czech glassmakers in the past. Hans van Bentem and Rachid Assoui will spice up the summer festival in Liberec.

Opening of the exhibition.

Guided tour with the author of the exhibition: 27 Aug 2024 from 10h to 14h

Guided tour with the author of the exhibition: 29 Aug 2024 from 13h to 18h

Guided tour with the author of the exhibition: 31 Aug 2024 from 14h to 16h

The exhibition will run from 26.8. - 7.9. 2024