About silence

We would like to present you the first precursor of the Crystal Valley Week 2024 glass festival and invite you to the Small Exhibition Hall in Liberec for the opening of Pavlína Čambalová's exhibition of artistic engravings of glass and precious stones, which will take place on Friday 2 August at 5 pm. You will be able to visit the exhibition About Silence from 3 August to 1 September.

The exhibition About Silence is Pavlína Čambalová's inner imagination of silence - her own silence, which she finds while walking through the world with her young daughter. Important little things that make the world beautiful. A dewdrop on a contryhel, a flying spider's web, ears of corn in a grain field - unique, yet part of the sea of the whole, trees in the forest, developing flowers, falling leaves on the surface of a river. Little everyday things that ARE, regardless of whether anyone notices them. They exist in their perfection and fragility, and eventually disappear into irreversibility. But Pavlína Čambalová notices them, picks them up from the ground and captures them in her works. She stands, fascinated by these moments of infinity, looks at them closely and translates them into extraordinary works of her engraving mastery. Her human figures are the most common vehicle for this energy, but they are not a record of an individual's physical body. They are records of souls, of energies, of the essence of being. Structures embedded in glass lenses, curled into an embryonic position, levitating in matter, as if captured in time, not anchored in space. Disappearing and yet present. This is how Lenka Patková perceives Pavlína Čambalová and her work.
